blood sweat artinya
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Terjemahan Serupa:
blood and sweat
darah dan peluh

blood sweat & tears (song)
blood sweat & tears (lagu)

blood, sweat & tears
blood, sweat & tears

berkeringat; berpeluh; keringat; peluh; bekerja keras; risau; k?ri?at; kesusahan; usaha; kepayahan; pergolakan; kekacauan; p?luh

sweat for it
mendapat hukuman sangat wajar

darah; kaum kerabat; mendarahi; temperamental; keturunan; keluarga; hidung belang; kerabat; asal; jalur keluarga

there will be blood
there will be blood

a cold sweat

beads of sweat

cold sweat
keringat dingin; takut

pocari sweat
pocari sweat

sweat droplets

sweat gland
kelenjar peluh; kelenjar keringat

sweat of brow
memeras keringat -

sweat out
berkeringat dingin

sweat room
mandi sauna; sauna

sweat shirt
baju kaos tebal

by the sweat of his brow
dengan susah payah

by the sweat of one's brow
dengan kerja keras; dengan susah payah

face with cold sweat
wajah berkeringat

the lost art of forehead sweat
the lost art of forehead sweat

blood of my blood
blood of my blood

a fever you can't sweat out
a fever you can't sweat out

face with open mouth and cold sweat
wajah ketakutan berkeringat

a bit of blood
bibit unggul